• Find your trip on our list and click on the link to register. Registrations must be completed online by the participating individual or their parent/guardian. If you are not able or do not wish to complete the forms online, please contact our office for paper forms.
  • Participants should be sure to register three months before their trip, and complete all of their paperwork and payments no later than two months before their trip. Each trip's information page will have specific due dates. If you need to register late, we may allow it, provided you can supply the needed information very quickly.

    Any participant who does not provide their paperwork by their trip's due date may be assessed a late fee of $50. If you are still waiting for a passport renewal or have other reasons why you cannot provide the needed information, just let us know. We're quite nice about it.

  • Yes. We require that all participants create a login account for JustHope.org. This will enable you to access and update your personal information (passport, health insurance, etc.) and keep track of your payments. If you are a repeat participant, it will also allow you to maintain the same information from year to year.
  • You'll need to have current health insurance, as well as medical evacuation (medevac) insurance. General health insurance does not include evacuation from foreign countries due to medical reasons. Medical evacuation insurance has very reasonable costs and protects you against potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars should you need evacuation. If you are traveling as part of a school-sponsored study-abroad trip or a medical rotation, your institution may carry evacuation coverage for you. You can shop for policies at SquareMouth.com. Do not to check "trip cancellation insurance" which is not required and raises the costs considerably — unless, of course, you want cancellation insurance.
  • Here it is:

    • Online trip registration
    • Payment
    • Basic health insurance information
    • Medical evacuation (Medevac) insurance information and confirmation scan/sheet
    • Copy of the photo page of your passport
    • Flight information
    • For physicians on Global Health trips: Credentialing information
  • Please read our Trip Participant Refund Policy.
  • Children as young as 11 have joined their parents on JustHope trips. For all children and youth, we expect a parent/guardian to be along with them. We set no age requirement, though we would discourage participation by very young children.

  • If you have already registered, please mail us a check (JustHope, PO Box 4542, Tulsa OK 74159) or use this page to pay your balance online. If someone else is making a payment on your behalf, be sure they indicate who and what trip their check is for, or fill in the appropriate information on the online form.

    If you aren't sure how much you've already paid, you can check your dashboard to see what completed contributions you have made. If others have made payments on your behalf, you'll need to contact us directly.

  • The short answer to this question is "maybe." It depends on what your accountant says. The IRS allows for deductions for travel in order to do "charity work" (not the language we use to talk about our Nicarguan partnerships, but that's the language the IRS uses). Some of your trip fee is related to your travel expenses (room, board, in-country transportation), some provides support for the specific projects your group is working on, and some provides administrative support for JustHope. If you would like to deduct your trip fee, talk with your tax professional about it. JustHope provides email receipts for trip fees that can be used for tax reporting.
  • Attending physicians need to provide the following in order to be credentialed to practice in Nicaragua. Each item must be notarized.

    • Medical diploma.
    • Any specialty certificate (family practice, pediatrics, radiology, etc).
    • State medical license. Must be valid through the duration of your trip. If you are waiting on a renewal, please send the other documents now with a note as to when you expect your new license to arrive.
    • Basic professional information. DO NOT simply send in your CV. Please use the online form (you must be logged in OR use the link sent to you by email) OR complete this form on paper.

    About notarizing these documents: In some states, notaries are not permitted to notarize copies of official documents. If you run into this issue, ask the notary to attest to an affidavit of your statement that it is a true and exact copy (rather than attesting to the copy itself). See an example here.

    Mail all of these notarized documents to

    PO Box 4542
    Tulsa OK 74159

    If you use a delivery service that requires a street address, use

    c/o Fellowship Congregational Church
    2900 S. Harvard Ave.
    Tulsa OK 74114

    All documents need to be physically in the JustHope office no later than two months before the trip.

    If you have questions or difficulties, please contact us.