Federated Church, UCC, Chagrin Falls, OH

A group of 17 people, US and Nicaraguan, pose at JustHope's Model Farm with rolling hills thick with vegetation in the background.

Federated Church first met JustHope in 2011 when JustHope submitted a proposal for help in establishing a project called Stitching Hope in Chacraseca, Nicaragua. Federated's Mission and Service Commission accepted the proposal as the recipient of their 2011 Christmas Eve Offering, and the partnership was born. This was just the first of many projects that involved the people of Chacraseca, JustHope, and Federated. Those activities have since included painting the new building for Stitching Hope, working on the water project, building latrines, making repairs in some of the elementary schools, assisting the clinic by gathering health data in the community and checking on wounds, working on the Model Farm, and helping with the construction of a chapel in one of the sectors. Federated is looking forward to continuing the partnership with additional trips to Chacraseca.