JustHope partners provide scholarships for primary school children and college students from our partner communities.
Improving access to and quality of education has been a primary goal of the leaders in our partner communities. JustHope’s education programs focus on ensuring an inclusive and quality education that promotes life-long learning. Our programs are diverse, ranging from initiatives that support students in attending classes to creating more vibrant learning environments inside and outside the classroom.
Through our programs, we support families, students, teachers, and schools by providing experiences where individuals develop the skills needed to pursue steady employment and make healthy life decisions. JustHope’s scholarship program removes barriers to enrolling in and attending classes. As a result of this initiative, attendance rates in our partner communities steadily increase, allowing for JustHope to broaden its programmatic focus and impulse activities that enrich learning.
JustHope creates vibrant learning environments within schools by implementing Entrepreneurial School and Teacher Leadership programs in addition to equipping teachers with didactic materials and resources needed to enhance their lessons. Outside of the classroom, JustHope offers a number of programs through the Cultural Center that focus on experiential education for personal development and community engagement.
JustHope partners provide scholarships for primary school children and college students from our partner communities.
In Nicaragua, it is twice as hard for a woman to make it through school as it is a man, and far fewer women secure the resources necessary for paying for school. Many do not even finish high school. So, JustHope created 20 Women of Hope in 2012.
Cultural traditions and art are often the first things lost when a community struggles with persistent poverty, depriving young people of a sense of identity and belonging. This, in turn, puts youth at higher risk of gang involvement, drug use, and dropping out of high school.
Teachers in Chacraseca believe the greatest resource they have is themselves. Through the Teacher Enrichment Program, teachers receive supplemental trainings on requested subjects and learn innovative uses of teaching materials.
JustHope distributes resource crates — stocked with reading books, maps, diagrams, math manipulatives, and a STEM kit — to fourteen schools in Chacraseca to supplement learning in the classroom.
Santa Emilia has a Primary School that goes through the 6th grade. However, going to High School has been a challenge for young people in Santa Emilia. There was no High School within the community.
The "Beca House" is a house that was gifted to the community of Chacraseca, Nicaragua, which they have chosen to use as a dorm for young women from poor communities who are going to college on becas (scholarships). It is now a wonderful resource, that houses between 6 and 12 women each semester. After a few years of partner support with upkeep and maintenance, it is now fully self-sustaining!